2 January 2014

Tackle the screenplay format, shall I? And why January does not 'suck'

By golly, it's 2014. *head spins* I trust everyone's Christmas and New Years was spiffing. Meeting up with various amigos and amigas over the Christmas period inevitably led to someone sighing about 'January being sucky.' To quote Penny from Happy Endings, 'Hell-err?' Side note - I was rather poorly for the first week of December, which allowed me to watch all of season 1, 2 and 3 of Happy Endings. I need a Penny in my life. Any takers? To give you a taste of what is needed in a Penny-like companion, please see below video (the best part is from 8:11 mins):

Anyway, back to 'Eh, Hell-err?' I refuse to allow this attitude of January suckiness. Not cool guys, I mean Jan must feel pretty bummed. If we all loved her, perhaps she'd feel good and make an effort to bring her best game and shine, non? O-k, just read that back. I'm sorely out of practice.

'The start' of things is always the best for moi - no chance for things to get bowed down with disappointments just yet, only potential possibilities. I think that's why I love rewriting 'beginning' chapters or intro chapters to characters - I can start anywhere. Of course, I *can* get stuck in this loop.

With that in mind, I think I'm finally going to tackle a screenplay and write a pilot for a TV show. I'm not a natural to this discipline because it requires a certain succinctness in conveying the narrative - and one gets ones thoughts down so much swifter and easier in essential prose. That said, if practiced enough, I can get better at tackling it. I certainly would like to be able to write screenplays going forward. I'm always super intrigued when someone says they find it easier writing screenplays. Fair does, I mean, novels can seem daunting. But screenplays have to be more rhythmic in a way, they have to hit those story beats with more precision. It shall be interesting either way, as I'll be adapting something from prose fiction.

Also, I want to write even more - more quantity but more efficiency and I shall be wanting to engage in more writerly activities, one of which will be entering more competitions. Because it forces me to share my work more, which has always been a hold back of mine.

What about everyone else? Any resolutions/goals, writerly or otherwise? Do share!

Disney's Frozen - Let it Go (Idina Menzel) - empowering y'all! You must see this film, it's so beautiful!